Monday, August 18, 2014

Long term effects of smoking on the breathing system

(Effects of Smoking in Different Parts of the Respiratory & Circulatory System)

  • Cigarette smoke is acidic and contains many different chemicals. As a result it can cause irritation of the lining of the bronchi and bronchioles. The lining becomes inflamed and swollen and may also become infected. Each time you smoke another cigarette it adds to the irritation. This can last for months and even years, causing shortness of breath, coughing and chest pain. This is known as chronic bronchitis.
  • Tobacco smoke contains tar, a black, sticky substance as well as many other chemicals. This coats the lining of the alveoli and greatly increases the risk of emphysema. The structure of the alveoli breaks down so that there are fewer, larger air sacs. This reduces the surface area available for gaseous exchange and makes sufferers breathless. They may need oxygen and it can be a cause of death.

  • The chemicals in the tar deposited from tobacco smoke can cause mutations(changes) in the nucleus of some of the cells lining the air ways. They start to grow out of control- which is now called Lung Cancer.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Immediate effects of smoking on the breathing system.

  • 1) Carbon monoxide from the smoke is taken into your blood instead of oxygen. Your cells get less oxygen for respiration as a result, so you are more likely to get breathless when you exercise. This is particularly damaging during pregnancy because a developing baby can be starved of oxygen.
  • 2) The cilia in your trachea and bronchi are anaesthetised so they no longer move mucus and pathogens away from your lung so you are more likely to get infections of the breathing system. Long term you may also develop a 'smoker's cough' as your body tries to get rid of the mucus which builds up in the lungs.
A non-smoker and a smokers lungs. See the difference.
(c) to the owner

Cigarettes are full of harmful chemicals that can result to death in your near future.
(c) to the owner
Watch this video and imagine this in your lungs.
(c) to the owner.
These are the things that will happen to you if you still continue smoking, think twice when you smoke.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014